Sunday, April 26, 2015

Blog Post #16

                                                           Final Post Summary Video 

I have learned a great deal in the way of taking my general understanding of PBL and pushing it into the 21st century through EDM 310. This is my short summary video of how this class has affected my way of thinking and how I will approach teaching.

Project #12 B

                                                       Smart Board Presentation 

C4K Summart Post #3

                                                   April Comments for Kids Summary Post
#8    Jake J.   (Mrs. L's Awesome 7th Grade Class)                                                
The link to Jake's blog is right above if you click on his name. His post was about creating his own business around Beluga Whales. They would sale stuffed animals, Beluga whale fish tanks, and your very own Beluga Whale. The following was my response to his post: 
    Hey Jake, I am a student from the University of South Alabama, I think this is an interesting business idea. I have grown up near the Gulf of Mexico, 21 years now, and whales are not something that I hear about very often. Sharks on the other hand, those are on the news it seems every other day during the tourist seasons. If this were a real restaurant I know I would personally enjoy eating at here. Great post, always keep this level of creativity as you get older.
#9 Heaven's Blog      

Heaven posted about how many of her friends have gone out of their way to do great things for her. This is my response: 
       Heaven, my name is Tyler Herrington and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I find it amazing that you have such a great group of friends. I too have friends that will do the same for me if I ever needed. Never let those friends go. 

#10 Kyah's Blog 
This student from Australia posted about an Australian and New Zealand holiday honoring the men who served in WW1 while also thanking the women who sent non-perishable food to the Gallipoli. 

My response was hidden until reviewed, although I simply found it interesting how the citizens there supported their troops. Also, how i was a History major and have not really studied much into how Australia and New Zealand was affected by WW1 and what all they did to support the war effort. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Blog Post #13

                                                                   What was left out?

"Hypothetical Post"-
What are some ways to incorporate PBL (project based learning) into the classroom with out the use of blogs or video projects for your subject? List at least 3 examples and explain why these would prove beneficial for your students.

The use of videos, blogs or the many other type of technological savvy ways to do have students in participate in PBL is not always viable. Imaging the monetary restraints of many schools along with those of the students family. With this in mind projects should be able to be completed with the good old fashioned books. Coke Bottle Figures-  This project requires the students to do some basic research on the childhood and life of a historical figure being studied during that particular unit. The students should create a realistic replica of that figure a present a brief paragraph on them. The point of this project is to get the students deeper into who these individuals really are. This allows the students to understand more than just what history books tall about them, i.e. where they were born and grew up, where they only children, the oldest, or the youngest, what else did they do that is note worthy outside of what the text book tells us. I have seen this project done and the students always love it. A twist on it would be allowing the students to dress up themselves to be the individual.

2) Propaganda Posters- The students would create a poster for either side of a particular dispute based on how they think it would have been done. This is a group project, allowing students to use their artistic and imaginative ideas to create a piece of history. This was done in my history class as sophomore student on the Boston Tea Party. Each group was given the choice of colonialist or British and had to create a poster reflecting their side. The class then would vote, after they were graded, on at least 6 posters they felt were the best and most creative and would hang them up around the class. This gives groups pride in their work, along with allowing other classes to see their work possibly for years to come. The students will gain a greater understanding of the events, and this is without using any knowledge outside lectures or readings.

3) Historical Board Games-  This is quite interesting since it forces the students to put a twist on the board games they grew up playing, also a group project. It requires nothing outside of a text book or possibly google. The students have the choice of creating something completely new, or simply altering an established game. For example, my group many years ago took monopoly and created "Civil Waropoly". Over the board we traced the playing surface and relabeled each of the squares to famous battles or notable people from each side. Along with the community chest and chance cards. One card might say, failed to attend the Gettysburg Address pay bank $200 or land on Bull Run and purchase it for $350. It is a way, just like the other three to encourage students to get deeper on a particular unit.

The point of any project should be to get the students more information and allow them to create some way of learning that information. Not every student will learn the same way, also for a subject that is seen to be all about multiple choice and memorization requiring students to use the lectures and any knowledge gained from the text book to create something that will embed this information in a more reliable way. Learning has to be fun for it to affect the students especially with history, a subject that can easily put someone to sleep.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


                                                                       Learning Is Messy
                                            High Hopes Project Explained (March 29, 2015)
Mr. Crosby has been an upper elementary teacher for many years now and has began to operate the STEM system (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). He began an engineering project with local high, middle, and elementary schools in hopes to spark interest in these subjects. The projects vary in difficulty, as you would expect, but are each as fascinating as the rest. Utilizing all four parts of STEM to be able to properly complete the project is key. I was actually envious of the students that are able to participate. It is a marvelous idea to encourage students to strive for success in education and spark their interest in very important subjects. 
My Response was as follows:
Mr. Crosby,
It is amazing the work you are doing. This is the emphasis our teacher is attempting to get across with project based learning. I am envious that these students are getting the opportunity to participate in these experiments. One can only hope that you will be allowed to continue this project and even expand upon it. Wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

                                             Online Presentation- What is STEM? (April 12, 2015)
Mr. Crosby is planning on hosting a virtual presentation on what the STEM program is and what it can do for students. As anyone who reads the previous post I commented on from Mr. Crosby can see the benefit the program can have towards students in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
My response was as follows:
Mr. Crosby,
I find it quite amazing that you will be hosting a virtual conference. It would be an honor if the university could pay for our classes to observe. Yet, I have been keeping up with your blog and I am still bewildered by what you are accomplishing through the STEM program. Thank you for paving the way for my generation of teachers.

Blog Post #12

                                                                    Assistive Technology 

What is assistive technology and what can it do for our students? With inclusion becoming more popular, general education teachers will be teaching more and more students with some type of disability. It is important that we, as teachers, are prepared to help our students achieve to the best of their ability. These devices are to:

        1. Enhance Learning
        2. Remove Barriers
        3. Push Boundaries
        4. Give Hope and Challenge the way
            we think

As I have had a special education instructor tell me, always step foot into a class with the idea that every student has a disability. The worst thing anyone can do is assume one particular student is disabled when they might just struggle in your particular subject. If one is to assume every students needs the use of basic assistance programs there is a possibility that all students will benefit.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blog Post #11

                          What can we learn about teaching and learning from these teachers.,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNE9BbwUCNZIzy-1H8bCSSYKmU1u-g&ust=1428375062506887
I will answer this question by evaluating the following videos, Back to the Future by Brian Crosby, Blended Learning Cycle by Paul Anderson, Making Thinking Visible by Mark Church, Building Comics by Sam Pane, Project Based Learning by Dean Shareski, and Roosevelt Elementary PBL by the Teacher in the K-5 school.
Though out these videos, the most important theme tends to be collaboration and individualism. Each student must have an interest in what they are doing for it to truly be beneficial. Which is why so many teachers are going to projects instead of standard lectures. Students are changing, and they way they are learning is constantly changing. Teachers are required to teach students and must modify the classes to meet that requirement. The individualization of these projects is with many post, there are given a general topic to post about and they choose what is the most important of those subjects to them. Keeping some kind of individualization is key in collaboration also. For collaboration, students must have some kind of interest in the project. The more they want to participate and learn, the better the project is for them. These teachers are doing a great job in showing how PBL is growing in importance along with its benefits to the students not only in their class but around the world.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

C4K Summary #2

 Per. 8 Adonnis' blog
Adonnis did a blog post about Black History Month. He chose Walter Payton whom he admires greatly. He talks greatly about his success in sports and the way he was viewed by his fans and fellow athletes. I for one know very little about him, and was amazed by what he had said. The following is my response:
 Hello Adonnis,I am a student from the University of South Alabama and currently enrolled in EDM 310. I think it is great that you think so highly of Walter Payton. Although I am not a fan of football, I have to say he is a great person to look up to for Black History Month. His achievements and attitude on and off the field are worth noting. I enjoyed reading your blog post.
Chris' Blog Post
Chris did his post on a shadowing day at a nearby university. He discussed how they were given hands on experience with technology and radios, he seemed to be interested in it and made it sound as if he wanted to pursue it as a career. Which given today's environment going into technology would be a wise choice. The following is my response:
It was great that you chose to go to a University for shadowing, especially one that focuses on technology. I think it is amazing that they had time for you to create your own game and even make a radio to listen to your favorite station. You seem to have some interest in this, so this could be a possible degree program, and being a college student myself I have to agree that free pizza would have been my favorite part also.

Jacob's Blog Post
This weeks blog post was on their favorite sport. Jacob chose baseball, which he began playing at the age of six. He says that he enjoyed it much more than football or golf. Baseball is a national pastime
 that he is glad to take part of. The following is my response: 
Hello Jacob, 
I am a student from the University of South Alabama, it is great that you enjoy baseball. I played when i was younger and then started music, but i was still active in it playing with neighborhood friends. Baseball has always been the most interesting to watch out of the three since I actually know what is happening. If you stick to it, who knows one day you might make it to the major leagues.

Blog Post #10

                                                                        Kathy Cassidy
                                                                   Canadian Classroom        Kathy Cassidy teaches 1st grade students in Canada and struggled to be successful while facing limitations at first. Mrs. Cassidy was not given a a choice but to be resourceful since the technology she was given was not allowed to install programs onto the computers. She had been working on a classroom blog, at the point of this "Skype " conversation, for 5 years. The children are making great strides in learning through technology, the ability to use devices such as Nintendo DS to help with reading or math has been very helpful with this. The students are given online time during the class, with these computers not being able have downloadable software are able to chose from an approved list of games or lessons to help with reading and math. I find it interesting the way that she introduces Wiki pages. In the video Little Kids... Big Potential, she shows how the student will use wiki pages to get information by a group larger than herself and immediate family, or even reading the definition out of a book. She had them create a Wiki page about defining traditions, each page had a place for their name, the occasion, and to describe their tradition. Not only does this teach them what a tradition is, it is also giving them international cultural experience.
         The ways Mrs. Cassidy urges the fact that to start adding technology for older students, it is best to allow them choose the way they broadcast information. Some students will enjoy writing blogs, maybe some creating videos, or even posting pictures. For students, you need to ensure that the student has interest in what they are doing. In the response for younger aged students, it is important to give them a wide variety of experience.
          Protecting students is key, especially younger students. It is important to make sure they know to only post their first name and never include a picture directly associated to their name. With that being said, ensuring that students understand not to click on ads or pop-ups and knowing that while in class, the only sites that should be visited are educational and approved by the teacher. Mrs. Cassidy is very inspiring on the use of technology in the classroom. The fact that she understands that blogging or other activities do not need to be weekly activities, but simply when they are pertinent to the lesson.