Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blog Post #11

                          What can we learn about teaching and learning from these teachers.,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNE9BbwUCNZIzy-1H8bCSSYKmU1u-g&ust=1428375062506887
I will answer this question by evaluating the following videos, Back to the Future by Brian Crosby, Blended Learning Cycle by Paul Anderson, Making Thinking Visible by Mark Church, Building Comics by Sam Pane, Project Based Learning by Dean Shareski, and Roosevelt Elementary PBL by the Teacher in the K-5 school.
Though out these videos, the most important theme tends to be collaboration and individualism. Each student must have an interest in what they are doing for it to truly be beneficial. Which is why so many teachers are going to projects instead of standard lectures. Students are changing, and they way they are learning is constantly changing. Teachers are required to teach students and must modify the classes to meet that requirement. The individualization of these projects is with many post, there are given a general topic to post about and they choose what is the most important of those subjects to them. Keeping some kind of individualization is key in collaboration also. For collaboration, students must have some kind of interest in the project. The more they want to participate and learn, the better the project is for them. These teachers are doing a great job in showing how PBL is growing in importance along with its benefits to the students not only in their class but around the world.

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