Sunday, February 1, 2015

Blog Post #3

                                                      Peer Editing, an Informational

1) Compliments 
        What did the students do right? What was their strongest point. Point these out first to give positive reinforcement.

2) Suggestions 
        What can they do better? Stay positive with everything you say. Where their grammar issues, or was the wording awkward? Think of these things and polite ways to let them know about them.

3) Corrections 
        How can they fix these problems, do not rush through and try to finish early. Take time to explain how they can fix particular problems, and specifically how they can avoid this issues in the future.  
                                                               STAY POSITIVE!!!
Peer Editing is exactly what it sounds like. Defining who your peer is, in my case that is a college student preferably in the same class. Editing is giving compliments, comments, and suggestions all in a positive manner. The best way to approach peer editing is to understand the assignment, see if they are following the guidelines. With this class having all assignments completed online you must be concise to avoid rambling on. Get to the point and be effective while also being polite about it. You should always approach reviewing a blog post by making sure they follow "Writing A Quality Blog Post".  Also that they attack each topic of discussion and they did not just put something down for a grade. Important always be positive. Positive criticism and comments are key.

I feel that for this class it is easier for peer review, especially if we use the groups or even use the same person we are suppose to comment on already. This will provide immediate comments for the writer of the blog to make changes on their next one, or simply go and edit the most recent blog post. It would be better for a student in the EDM 310 to catch the mistake before a teacher or student from somewhere else in the world to catch the mistake and point it out. Having peers edit our content, if down correctly, can also keep the teachers and lab assistants from having to grade and make extensive comments on how to correct them for every single week. This is all granted that peer review is done correctly and all parties involved are taking advantage of this resource.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to include, both, pictures AND links in every blog post.
