Sunday, February 15, 2015

Blog Post #5

What are Personal Learning Networks? 

They are "virtual locker rooms" as stated in an article by Vicky Davis. Personal Learning Networks are also known as "PLN" for short. They are the ways you can set up people and places to assist you in learning in this high tech century. In this day and age, when students are going to Google, YouTube, or even Wiki to find out information, physical visits to libraries are becoming a thing of the past. Just as the days of searching catalog were replaced by online databases. A PLN is a group of networks that will assist you in furthering your knowledge in life.

How can PLN's help you as a teacher. 

They will always be updating. As you grow as a teacher you will meet other educators and explore more resources from which to learn from. As a teacher, these resources may be websites that may help your students in learning a subject, or allowing you to explore more interactive ways of teaching. The possibilities are endless and will continue to expand as technology changes.

Who will be your first additions to your PLN? 

I will begin by adding the staff of EDM 310, in addition of faculty from my department and blogs and websites that focus on history.

Here is my PLN, 

Since this is my first interaction with setting up my PLN's I have my Facebook, which is access to current teachers i stay in touch with, with areas to expand with blogs that are on my area.


  1. Good post! I, too, use my Facebook to keep up with a lot of my older teachers. The ones that use a computer anyway! The post was really good. Short and sweet, without any grammatical errors that I could see. Keep up the great work!
