Sunday, February 22, 2015

C4T #2

                   Science Experiment Video Conference Call  and Learning with Nintendo DS
                                                                        By: Jen Deyenberg
                                                                           Trails Optional
School 2.0

Jen Deyenberg has made many interesting blog post, the first of which I read was about video conference science experiments. The classes would share experiments with each other over video, they did multiple chemical reactions, and then followed them up on their own by changing them the ways they approach them. Either adding more ingredients or changing the type. I commented on how interesting it was sharing the experiments with another class. This would give the two classes an ability to discuss what occurred during the reaction and what effects certain changes would have.

The next post was on her new site Trails Optional, she discussed how she began using the Nintendo DS to assist the students with spelling and words. There are many different games that they can play, one of which removes letters at the beginning, middle, or end and requires them to use the stylist to complete the word. Another gives the student two definitions and they must write the corresponding word. The students also have a leveling task assigned to them. As they learn the game changes becoming more difficult to match their current skills. The comment feature was closed, but I would have mentioned how ingenious it is to use a game system that so many students have, also the fact that it is a handheld system. Not a bulky computer and reasonably priced. I would have never thought about using this software.

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